At Lac Hong University

LHU to participate in Shell Eco-marathon Asia 2014

Recently, LHU has received a invitation letter from Mr. Roberto S.Kanapi - Vice President - Communications  of Shell companies in the Philippines that LHU - Gold Energy from Lac Hong University, Vietnam has been selected to participate in Shell Eco-marathon Asia 2014, to be held at the Luneta Park in Manila, Philippines from February 6 - 9, 2014.

LHU - the first non-pubic university of Vietnam participates in Shell Eco-marathon Asia

This letter is not only a great honor for LHU but also ticket for teachers and students of Mechatronics - Electronics Faculty to be present at this international playground. Shell Eco-marathon is an annual competition that challenges student teams from around the world to design, build and drive energy-efficient vehicles. This is the fifth year the competition is organized. The event is held in Asia, Americas and Europe. In 2013, Vietnam had six teams competing with 140 teams from 18 Asian countries at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This is the fourth year Vietnam participates in the competition.

Lac Hong -  a non-public university, surpassing other noted ones of the country to become one of the fourth universities (Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, Ha Noi University of Technology, Ha Noi University of Industry and Lac Hong University) representing Vietnam to join in Shell Eco-marathon.

Shell Eco-marathon is a global competition held by Royal Dutch Shell commonly known as Shell - an Anglo–Dutch multinational oil and gas company incorporated in the United Kingdom. This is the second largest energy corporation in the world that organizes annual competition for students aged from 16 to 25. Winners are the teams that go furthest using the least amount of fuel. The participating teams can choose one of the two types "Basic model" (Prototype) and "Urban model" (Urban Concept).

Gold Energy team from Lac Hong University has overcame the two competition rounds before receiving the letter from Mr. Roberto namely registration form, members introduction and technology information; design project, related technical drawing especially safety for users.

Eco-marathon competition aims to inspire young engineers and push the boundaries of fuel efficiently and technical innovation. Therefore, the organizers set up serious requirements. They highly appreciate fine design, fuel efficiency, convenience and safety matters.

It can be said Eco-marathon Asia is a good opportunity for LHU to approach high technologies in the world and a great chance for Vietnamese universities to open their gates to welcome the world.

By Diem Nhi - trans. by WBE

Shell Eco-marathon Asia, competition

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